
[Public Commit] 1equal1_token0,1, and 2genesis by Alejandra Salaverria a.k.a. @pyxtau @alejsala allyAlejandra PURPOSE: 1=1 ONE_EQUAL_ONE; get readyPlayer1

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CREATED BY: Alejandra Salaverria ABOUT Alejandra: Social Impact Value Creator Entrepreneur Privacy Truth to Power Universal Human and Civil Rights Advocate Degenerate Art Lover. DATE: 05-05-2022 PURPOSE: 1=1 ONE_EQUAL_ONE; get readyPlayer1 [Principles in Code] -Equality -Freedom -Opportunity -Data Sovereignty -Privacy yes, AND [Self-vowed to Protect and Defend] -The Constitution of The United States of America Bill of Rights and Civil Rights

Questions? I am happy to connect. My contact information is: allyalejandra@pm.me  Thank you for your empathy, care, and support. I am excited to engage on this journey together.  With gratitude and loving-kindness, 
